

Discriminatory Claim Targets Accessibility of Disabled Individuals at Cinema

A social media user named BrainKatana shared a narrative on Reddit that demonstrated how some individuals are willing to stand up for those who cannot defend themselves.

He recounted witnessing a woman mistreating another man because of his disability. In his account, the social media user chose to intervene rather than remain silent.

BrainKatana remembered being in a movie theater ticket line where a man with cerebral palsy or perhaps MS was standing ahead of him.

Theater chairs | Photo: Flickr

The Reddit user described the person as having "some other horrible thing that puts you in a chair and messed up your body." While the queue was moving slowly, the social media user observed the disabled man struggling to open an envelope using "his teeth and using his one functional hand."

Careful not to offend the man, BrainKatana contemplated offering assistance but hesitated. The person in front of the disabled man was nearly finished with the cashier, and the user noted that the man seemed accustomed to this process.

When the man reached the counter, it took "him a minute to get out his Regal card and pay for the ticket." A woman behind the social media user began making loud derogatory comments, stating "people like that shouldn't be allowed to go to the movies."

Her remarks "enraged" BrainKatana in an unprecedented manner. Initially uncertain how to channel his anger, he was prompted to act when she made another comment and another man in front of him paused.

People queuing | Photo: Flickr

At that moment, the Reddit user turned and addressed the woman, saying, "We should all be so lucky to wait in this line on our own two feet. Keep your disingenuous thoughts to yourself." The woman was stunned into silence.

The disabled man took additional time at the counter, and when BrainKatana approached, the cashier informed him he could see any movie he wanted. The disabled man had paid for his ticket and said, "Thanks."

Speaking directly to the man, the Reddit user said:

"If you're out there, disabled guy, I didn't do it looking for a reward. I did it because sometimes people are real [expletive], and no one deserves to experience what you did today. Thanks for the movie ticket, though. 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' was awesome."

A wheelchair | Photo: Flickr

In another display of support, a restaurant worker's colleague had recently returned from Europe and "gained a bit of weight." On the same day, the boss' wife arrived and began complaining about food expenses.

She told the staff they were wasting "so much bread" and that they used "too much lettuce." Then she approached the colleague and remarked, "Wow you've gained so much weight! You should really eat less, you are getting really fat!"

It was evident the colleague was hurt by the comment but remained silent, and the boss' wife then requested the restaurant worker to prepare her a sandwich. In response, the staff member used 6 bread ends, the worst meat pieces, and the ends of tomatoes to make the snack.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | Photo: Flickr

The boss' wife exclaimed, "WHAT did you do to my sandwich? Why did you make it like this! This will be so hard to eat!" Her concise reply was, "You told us to not waste the ends, I'm just helping keep the food cost low!"

This silenced her, though she grumbled while eating her sandwich. The co-worker who was called fat subsequently bought her colleague a piece of cheesecake as a thank you "for standing up for her."

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